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Postnatal Massage: Things you should know If had C-section delivery

Pregnancy is beautiful at the same time post- pregnancy is a little challenging. Now you are a mom and have to take care of your baby too. But this does not mean that you do not have to care for yourself. Since your body has gone through lots of changes during nine months, you need to give time to your body to heal from the delivery.

Like all massages, a postnatal massage helps to soothe aches, relaxes tense muscles and rejuvenates both physically and emotionally. Postpartum massage is very soothing and effective to recover soon post-delivery. In a study of 2016, it was found that doing back massage one day after the delivery of a baby significantly helps to reduce anxiety in new moms.

When to Start Postpartum Massage

You can start a postpartum massage as soon as you feel ready. If you had a C-section or any complication delivery, you should wait till six to eight weeks for complete recovery of cesarean incisions. It is good to consult your doctor before scheduling your massage session. Still there are some precautions you need to know if you have a c-section and have a postpartum massage.

Precautions- If you had C-Section

Wait till cesarean incision to heal: It is very necessary to wait till cesarean incision to heal before getting your massage. Since your stitches are prone to infection, therefore you need to be careful till it gets healed completely. Meanwhile, if you want to start your massage you can focus on arms, legs, head and back.

Avoid abdominal massage: During the massage, tell your therapist to completely avoid abdominal massage. Abdominal massage is not recommended for 6 weeks after a cesarean delivery. Some therapists do abdominal massages, saying it will help you to reduce your mummy tummy, which I completely feel is a myth. Avoid abdomen massage until the wound heals completely, and also talk to your doctor before having an abdominal massage.

No pressure message on tummy: Do not get any kind of pressure massage on the tummy area, since your body went through a major surgery that takes time to heal. No naval area massage also, if you had a C-section.

Always choose a trained massage therapist: Always choose a trained therapist or local massage walis, who are mostly experienced and well- trained. But make sure to tell them before about your C- section and to be careful while giving massages on the tummy area.

Considering the current pandemic situation, you may find difficulty finding a massage walis or therapist near your area, in such a situation you can get your massage done by any close one, may be your husband, sister or mother. But before that watch a video on good postpartum massage techniques, and be careful while exerting pressure. For me, it was my mom who did my postpartum massage as I also was not able to get any massage wali near me. Though she is not an expert but did a great job, she mostly avoids giving any kind of pressure massage to me. Still I enjoyed my postpartum massage session given by my mom.

Don't sleep on your tummy for back massage: While taking a back massage, never sleep on your tummy, always lie down sideways. You may feel uncomfortable sleeping on your tummy after the nine month of pregnancy and post-delivery, also it should be completely avoided if it's your c-section delivery.

Choose natural oil for massage: Always choose a natural oil for your post-delivery body massage.

Timeline for Postpartum Massage

There is no exact timeline for postpartum massage that how frequently you should get it. Some new moms enjoy every week or two, also some moms get three or four sessions only during their recovery period. It all depends on your personal choice, time, finance and health considerations.

Benefits Of Massage After Delivery

  • Relax muscle tension

  • Reduce swelling

  • Increase flow of blood and oxygen to muscles

  • Release oxytocin, which triggers letdown reflex that helps in release of breastmilk.

  • Help to open blocked ducts

  • Relaxes the mind and helps to cope up with postnatal depression or any kind of anxiety.

  • Lower stress level

  • Helps you to sleep better

  • Helps you to recover soon from the delivery.

Best Postpartum Massage Oil

For your postnatal massage, always choose natural oil like mustard, coconut, sweet almond, olive, or sesame. You can also opt for herbal oils which are infused with many natural oils that help in relaxing the muscles. Avoid any kind of mineral oil massage, or scented oil that may give a headache or any kind of skin allergy. Also scented oils can make your baby feel uncomfortable with its smell when you hold him/her.

Always choose an oil which suits you whether it's natural or herbal infused. Check a patch test before using any new massage oil in order to avoid any kind of allergic reaction on skin.

What if I do not get a Postpartum Massage?

Healing of your scar from externally does not mean you are healing on the inside as well. Postnatal massage encourages pelvic and abdominal organs to return to pre-pregnancy positions. Also, aids in returning the uterus to its normal size. If postnatal massage is not done correctly, you may experience back pain, pelvis pain, and in extreme cases infertility and urinary problems as well. Therefore definitely take your postnatal massage once your body is healed.

Tips Before Getting Postnatal Massage:

  1. If you had a c-section delivery, wait till your wound is healed. Also avoid pressure massage on the abdominal area.

  2. If you have any kind of skin allergy, boils, rashes and eczema you should avoid postnatal massage.

  3. Consult and talk to your doctor about your postnatal massage before getting it.

Hope this article helps you understand the importance of Postnatal massage and do & don’ts if you had a C-section. Subscribe to Moms Review Pad for more interesting articles on babycare, pregnancy and postpartum care.

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