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5 Ways to Increase Breast Milk Supply

Updated: Jun 14, 2020

Do I produce enough breast milk for my baby? Is my breastmilk enough to fill my baby's tummy? How do I increase breastmilk supply?

Being a first time mother we always worry about these things. However, every mother produces milk for her child, though some produce less or some have enough breastmilk immediately after the child birth.

In early breastfeeding, some women may face low supply of breastmilk but it should not be the reason for weaning(stopping breastfeeding). There are natural techniques which can boost your breastmilk and give you the confidence of getting enough milk for your baby. Here are 5 ways for increasing the good breastmilk supply for your baby with some important feeding techniques.

Breastfeeding more and more

Breastmilk supply increases with regular breastfeeding, as much as you empty your breast it produces more. Based on the laws of demand and supply your body sends a signal to refill it, once the breast-milk gets empty.

You can either feed your baby or pump the breast to express the milk. Pumping the milk and storing it helps great for working mothers. Breastmilk can be stored in the fridge for 5 to 6 days and till 4hrs at room temperature.

Make sure your baby is latching on the breast correctly, as poor latch always results in less supply of breastmilk. If your baby latch on the areola region of your breast properly, the baby's tummy will be full and your breastmilk will get drained to produce more.

Always offer both the sides of breast to your baby, once your baby completely empties one side. Breastmilk contains the foremilk and hindmilk. Foremilk contains water and other nutrition whereas hindmilk is full of fats which is necessary for babies development. Feeding your newborn about 8 to 12 times in a day will help you increase milk production.

Eat nutritious

Eating healthy and nutritious must be your primary aim to achieve good supply of breastmilk for your baby. Try to consume more and more protein rich food. Consume 2500 cal per day, as breastfeeding burns your calorie and you often feel hungry. Munch on healthy snacks, you can choose protein biscuits, lactation cookies, nuts and almonds. There are some foods which also help in increasing the breast milk production.

Raw papaya, Lauki (Gourd), Methi leaves/ Methi seeds (Fenugreek), Drumstick, Barley, Raw banana, Masoor dal(Red Lentils). These foods are highly recommended for new mothers in Indian families. Make sure you take these foods with minimal spices and oil. Oats, whole grains, brown rice and wheat are rich in beta- glucan and considered as the key for a healthy breastmilk. Seasonal fruits and dairy products are also good sources of vitamins and proteins.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is very necessary to maintain the supply of breastmilk. Try to consume more and more fluids, like, fruit juices, milk shakes, green tea. You can have two cups of green tea in a day but not more than that while breastfeeding. It is recommended to consume only 250 to 280mg of caffeine in a day for breastfeeding mothers for a good supply of milk. Warm drinks like carom seeds water, fennel seeds water, cumin seeds water, these traditional drinks are really good for your increasing breastmilk, proper digestion and also helps in controlling baby colic.


Do not skip your iron,calcium supplements, the prenatal medicines must be continued till 3 to 4 months after the child birth. Your breastmilk may be missing essential minerals and vitamins, therefore it is recommended to take the postnatal vitamins and mineral supplements while you’re breastfeeding. It is good for both mother and baby. In initial months, babies need a good source of vitamin B and D for the development of bones and muscles which they get from mother milk.

Don't take stress

New moms often take stress and sometimes get depressed with their new change in life after the baby. Stress levels can lead to low contents of breastmilk. However, stress do not directly affect the breast milk supply but if you will be stressed you may disturb your routine resulting in taking an improper diet, not drinking enough water, or not nursing your baby frequently. These will indirectly affect the low supply of breastmilk, so it is advisable to be stress free and enjoy the moment of motherhood.

How to know if my baby is getting enough breastmilk or not?


Babies lose their birth weight in 2 to 3 days, which is quite normal. But, after that they should gain their birth weight in 12 to 15 days. Everyday babies should gain weight, which is only possible if the baby is getting the right feed. Always monitor your baby's weight and maintain a record as well. If your baby is gaining weight then your breastmilk is enough for the newborn.

Wet Nappies

If your baby is wetting 6 to 8 diapers by peeing in a day during early months then your milk supply is good and your little one is taking an adequate amount of milk. The best way of knowing whether your milk supply is enough for your baby or not is to keep a track on the number of pees of your baby.

Urine color

Urine color can indicate dehydration, if the pee color is dark yellow then your milk supply is less and the baby is not getting enough milk. Dry mouth, inactiveness, or refusing the feed, these are signs of dehydration. Always consult your pediatrician immediately, if you notice any unusual behaviors or symptoms in your baby.

Tips for smooth Breast feeding

  • Try to feed the baby on time, you must be knowing the baby's routine so be ready for the feeding and do not wait for the baby to cry for hunger.

  • Always support your back with pillows and hold the baby in proper alignment so that the baby also feels comfortable while taking feed. You can learn an easy and comfortable position to hold a baby while feeding. You can check this feeding pillow for a smooth and comfortable feed for both baby and mommy. Made up of cotton, comes with a slipover which can easily be removed and washed in the washing machine. This nursing pillow is perfect for giving baby the tummy time and for supporting while seating.

  • If your baby needs frequent feeding, it's normal and it doesn't mean you do not produce enough breast milk.

  • Do not apply honey to attract your newborn for latching. Honey can lead to infant botulism (a disease), which can infect the babies digestive system. Till one year of age say no to honey.

  • ‌If your baby is crying at night, it doesn't always mean that your milk is not sufficient. Colic pain can also be the reason for it. You can try simple tricks to get instant relief on colic pain.

  • If your other breast doesn't leak while feeding it doesn't mean your milk supply is low. Always feed your baby both sides and try to feed till one side of your breast gets empty.

  • Take help of silicon nipples if you have flat nipples. Gradually when the baby sucks with these silicon nipples, you don't need them. It works best for those mothers having flat nipples.

  • In early breastfeeding, sore nipples are a common problem, use lanolin based cream to treat it. Nipcream works great on a painful sore nipple, you need to massage the nipple with the nip cream and it works wonders in no time.

  • You can also consult with a lactation practitioner, they not only assess you in the low supply of breastmilk but also teach you the right technique of holding baby while breastfeeding, latching on your newborn so that the baby can take the feed more efficiently.


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