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Best Natural Oils for Newborn Massage

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Every new mom needs suggestions for a right baby massage oil for keeping their newborn skin soft and healthy. It became really difficult to choose the gentle, pure and an effective baby massage oil for the new parent. There are a number of brands for baby massage oil claiming pure and natural, but it's really good to choose natural organic oils for baby massage. Most of the branded baby massage oils do contain mineral oil, unnecessary chemicals and fragrance which harm the soft and sensitive skin of your newborn. Here are some of the popular and best natural oils, describing the benefits of each oil for a proper baby care.


Coconut oil is a good choice for baby massage for the summer season as it has a cooling effect. Rich in antioxidants, coconut oil helps in making the newborn skin soft and supple. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties which helps the baby from rashes and other skin problems. Organic coconut oil is best for baby massage as it will not harm your baby even if they lick their skin. Any good brand edible coconut oil is the best for baby massage. We recommend Max care virgin coconut oil

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Baby Massage

  • Best for diaper rashes (can be use as diaper cream)

  • Treat eczema

  • Best for removing meconium (First sticky poop of newborn)

  • Best baby after bath oil (Can be use as baby cream or lotion after bath)

  • Best for treating any baby soreness or redness in skin

  • Best teething pain reliever


Sesame oil massage is favorite among some of the mothers because it is light and quickly absorbs. This baby massage oil is best for the development of the strong bones of your baby.

Benefits of Sesame Oil for Baby Massage

  • Protect from baby skin from UV rays

  • Helps in treating any skin problems (because of its anti- bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties)

  • Best for strong muscle growth


Very popular baby massage oil in northern India during winters. Mustard oil is good for baby massage as it provides warmth to the infants. Mustard oil is strong and thick so it is advisable to dilute it with other oils for giving a good massage. Mixing little carom seeds (ajwain) and garlic (lehsun) in the hot mustard oil and then massaging your baby will provide a soothing effect to them. It must be noted that always make fresh massaging oil by mixing above mentioned ingredients. Do not store or make large quantities of oil to use it later, because oils may turn rancid which is not good for baby skin. Using one or two day older massaging oil is okay but not more than that. We recommend Patanjali Mustard Oil.

Benefits of Mustard Oil for Baby Massage

  • Best home remedy for cold and cough (massage baby chest, neck and toes with some lukewarm mustard oil having garlic and carom seeds, mix some ghee for best result)

  • Best for building babies immunity

  • Can be use as a mosquito repellent (as it has a strong smell, protects from mosquito bites)


Almond oil is one of the best baby massage oil for all seasons. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, making your baby’s skin super soft and healthy. Almond oil smells sweet and good for almost all skin types. We recommend Hamdard Rogan Badam Oil.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Baby Massage

  • Best for all skin types (soothes dry skin)

  • Best for healthy and glowing baby skin

  • Best for shiny hair

  • Best for strong bone development

  • Best baby after bath oil (Can be use as baby cream or lotion after bath)


Olive oil is one of the most popular baby massage oils among moms. This natural baby massage oil is best for all season. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E which helps in skin regeneration making it healthy and smooth. Best olive oil for baby massage can be of any brand virgin oil. We recommend Figaro Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Benefits of Olive Oil for Baby Massage

  • Best for diaper rashes (can be use as diaper cream)

  • Best for repairing dry skin, hair and chapped lips

  • Best in removing Cradle cap (dry patchy skin on head- Put olive oil little extra in quantity and leave it 2 to 3 hours and then comb the hair in upward directions)

  • Best baby after bath oil (Can be use as baby cream or lotion after bath)


In India, massaging baby skin with ghee (clarified butter) is considered as the best massage oil. Ghee massage is the first choice of our grandma as it promotes soft and healthy skin. We recommend using home made ghee for baby massaging.

Benefits of Ghee for Baby Massage

  • Instant relief from nasal and chest congestion (rub baby's chest and neck with warm ghee)

  • Relieve from teething pain (rub baby's gums with warm ghee)

  • Heals dry skin and chapped or cracked lips

  • Improves baby's complexion

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Best Baby Massage Oil for Summer and Winter

The best baby massage oil for summer is Coconut oil and Sesame oil while for winter Mustard oil is best.

Oils not Suitable for Baby

Essential Oils

Do not use essential oils on baby skin as babies' skin is so sensitive. They might get skin allergy, redness or any other skin issues.

Mineral Oils

Avoid using mineral oil for baby massage as mineral oil contains petroleum based components. Mineral oil does not penetrate into the skin and simply creates a barrier over the surface of the baby's skin. Many baby massage oils are available in the market containing mineral oil. Do check properly the content of the baby oil before buying. Therefore, we recommend choosing any natural organic oil for a good baby massage.

Tips For Relaxing Baby Massage

  • Massage your baby at least three times a day, as massage promotes healthy and strong bone development. Also, with a good and relaxing massage baby falls asleep easily without giving trouble to moms.

  • Ensure the massage oil is not much warm, it must be lukewarm. It must be noted oil should neither be too hot or too cold.

  • Do not give massage immediately after the feed. Maintain at least 45minutes to 1hr of gap between the feed and massage.

  • Give massage in upward directions, like if massaging legs then toe to thigh. Avoid putting oil in your baby’s ears and nose. You can take help of any elder family member or watch baby massaging videos on Youtube.

  • Do not apply much pressure on any part of the baby’s body. In India, many massaging maids try to reshape the face by applying extra pressure on the nose, upper lips and face which is not advisable. We are not a sculptor who can shape anyone's face, so appreciate the natural form of it. Applying much pressure on the nose or lips can twist the bone placement as baby's muscles are so tender.

  • Ensure your hands are clean, sensitized, warm and dry before giving massage to your infant.

  • Last but not least do check the expiry date of massaging oil before buying.

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