Diaper rash is a common problem among babies. Uncomfortable and painful red skin rash occurs in genital area, and in diaper-clad areas. In this article, learn about the causes and treatment of diaper rash.
Causes of Diapers Rash in Baby
Leaving wet or soiled diaper on for too long
When a baby's skin gets rubbed against the diaper pants itself.
Scents and chemicals used in diapers
Using too much alcohol based wet wipes.
Not using baby friendly soaps
When a baby has Yeast or Bacterial infections.
Teething, some babies get diarrhea during teething
When a baby sleeps in a poopy diaper for a long time.
Babies start eating solid food and get allergic to any particular food.
Allergic to any particular food, when a baby starts solid foods.
When a baby or breastfeeding mother is taking antibiotics.
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Treatment of Diaper Rash
Changing of diapers often.
Use cloth diapers instead of disposable one.
Switching to laundry detergent brand. Always use unscented laundry detergent for washing baby cloth.
Switching to disposable diaper brands.
Give a diaper free time to the baby, allowing the rash area to breath.
Use alcohol free wipes, or washable wipes
Use diaper creams or home remedies for diaper rash.
Do not scrub the rash area.
Use a one size larger diaper until the rashes get healed, to avoid discomfort caused by the tight fitting diaper.
Home Remedy of Diaper Rash
Coconut Oil
Antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil makes it one of the most effective and popular treatments for the diaper rash. Wash the baby's bottom and dry the bummy area with a clean cotton cloth, do not rub. Apply the coconut oil gently on the affected area of the baby. Make sure your hands are clean and do not rub the rash area while applying oil.
Cornstarch work wonders for the diaper rash, most of the doctors suggest to use the cornstarch to treat the diaper rash. To use cornstarch you need to first clean your baby's bum with a warm wet cloth and dry it with a clean towel. Mix two tablespoon of cornstarch with one tablespoon of vaseline (any petroleum jelly) or coconut oil with one vitamin E capsule. Mix it well and make a thick cream out of it, apply the DIY diaper rash cream on the baby's affected area. Leave it for 10- 15minutes and wipe out gently with a warm wet cloth.
Do not apply cornstarch incase of yeast infection as cornstarch is a good source for the yeast to grow. Yeast diaper rash, has red skin with dots or pimples which generally occurs more in folds of thighs, genitals or buttocks.
Aloe Vera
The aloe vera gel is one of the best and effective treatments when it comes to any home remedies. And yes, it works amazing on diaper rash as well. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera kill the germs causing rashes, giving an instant relief to your baby. All you need to do is apply a small amount of fresh aloe vera gel on the affected area of the baby and leave, it will dry on its own. You can also use pure aloe vera gel bottles available in markets.
The liquid gold, breastmilk, is not only good for the nourishment of your little one but also effective in many other things as well. Diaper rash can easily be treated with breastmilk, you just need to apply the breast milk on the baby’s bottom and allow it to dry. Once the baby’s bummy looks completely dry put on a fresh diaper for the effective result.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The antibacterial and antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar helps in inhibiting the growth of yeast. To use this remedy you can pour some apple cider vinegar into the bath water of your little one. You can also wipe the affected area with one part water and one part ACV.
Effective Diaper Rash Creams Available Online
When to Consult Pediatrician
Diaper rash usually gets healed with home remedies within a few days. However, if the diaper rash of your baby is severe and you find any of the following symptoms immediately consult your pediatrician.
A rash that oozes pus
A persistent rash that does not treated with home remedies
Tips to Use Diaper For a Rash Free Skin
Always wash your hands before and after during every diaper change.
Check your little one’s diaper often and put on the fresh diaper as soon it gets soiled or wet. You can use diapers having wet indicators, they are really helpful for moms to know when to change the diaper.
Use alcohol free wipes, or washable cloth wipes or just use the plain water to get off the poop from baby’s bum.
Keep the diaper area of your baby clean and dry, to avoid rashes
Give diapers free time to the baby.
Make sure the area is completely clean and dry before you put on a fresh diaper to your baby.
Do not use fragrance soap for baby’s bathing purpose, always use soaps that are gentle on baby’s skin, to avoid rashes, itchy skin and irritation in eyes.
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