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Beach Essentials and Hacks: While Taking Kids to Beach

Are you planning to go for a beach holiday with your little one? Must be thinking what to pack and what not. Hehe! I know when going to the beach with a baby or toddler, we need to prepare all the right beach essentials to avoid any kind of meltdown. Here, I have listed some of the must have beach essentials you need to carry while you are packing for a beach holiday. Also read some cool hacks to enjoy your trip.

Ditch your Diaper Bag

Very first tip I will suggest is to ditch your diaper bag for beach packing. It’s a good idea to avoid bringing your diaper bag to the beach to keep it sand-free. I will suggest taking a beach tote and have some extra plastic bags to hold the soiled diaper.

Beach tote

Always carry an extra pair of clothes for your toddler, extra diapers, and wipes. Also do not forget to take extra reusable bags to hold your baby's stuff to avoid messing up your bag while returning.

Sunscreen Use baby sunscreen lotion to avoid sunburn on your baby's skin. Also put a timer on your mobile to remind you to reapply sunscreen to your baby. Only if you are planning to sit for a long time on the beach. Recomendation for baby sunscreen lotion: Mother Sparsh Natural Baby Sunscreen Lotion with Organic Ingredients

Hydrate your baby Since you and your baby are under the sun, therefore, drink water from time to time as well to keep your baby and yourself hydrated.

Baby Powder This one is my favorite beach hack while going with my baby. I use baby powder to easily remove sand from my baby’s hands and legs. Just rub the baby powder on his/her arms & legs and the sand falls off.

Sunhat There are so many cute sun hats which you can choose to protect your toddler from sun.

Sunglasses Take baby sunglasses, I am sure your baby will definitely love to wear them.

Beach towels:

Though any towel can do the job, it is good to prefer oversized microfiber towels. They are more convenient because they don't trap sand, also it folds down easily to a compact packable size.

Beach snacks

You must have this on top of your list when you are with your toddler. Chips, sandwiches, fresh cut fruits or anything which your kid likes to eat and be occupied. Don’t forget to take your kid’s sipper bottle.

Beach toys

Babies love to play with sand. A simple set of sandbox toys will keep your toddler delighted for hours.

Play with baby

While you are on the beach and not playing with sand how is it possible? Play with your toddler and kids, encourage them to gather some shells and stones, this way your kid will love to learn the interesting texture and colors of nature.

Enrich Vocabulary of your kid

Introduce new words by pointing to all the objects you find on the beach like sand, sea water, waves, boat, etc. Encourage your kid to write on dry and wet sand and let them experience the difference.

That’s it! Hope you enjoy reading this article. Enjoy some of our beach pictures attached below as well.

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